Photo by Fuu J on Unsplash

To fight depression it’s a good idea to adopt the following which aid the process:

  1. 20–60 minutes of sun exposure: Sitting in the sunlight early in the morning, this helps in the generation of Serotonin, the neurotransmitter that stabilises mood feelings of well-being, and happiness. Then it’s a great source for Vitamin-D which contributes in mood regulation and boosts energy levels of the body
  2. Breath work: Whenever you mood changes, so does your breath, you can start with deliberate deep breathing for a minute everyday and then systematically increase the time. This stabilises the body.
  3. Exercise: 45–60 of cardio: you can engage in running, cycling or just leisure walk to start with. This helps in generation of Dopamine the feel good factor neurotransmitter which instantly uplifts mood.
  4. Change your Diet: Make sure you are consuming a balanced meal, ensuring you consume food products that are rich in Vitamin B-12, in conjunction with Vitamin-D, it help in mood regulation.
  5. Social Engagement: when one has good relationships be it with friends, colleagues and/or family, one doesn’t feel isolated. You can share your heart out, indulge in group activities, this instantly increases motivation to show up at work and at other important areas of life due to the presence of loved ones.

The above are helpers, they won’t cure you however with daily practise of the above, will help in regulation of your nervous system and in uplifting your mood.

In addition to the above its always a good idea to talk to a mental health expert, who can help you by employing different modalities such as cognitive behavior therapy, logo-therapy and etc.

I am here to help. You can reach out to me @

